Families Fighting Fairly


     Conflict in the home can be a disruption in the harmony of a family. Most families would love to create a space of safety, support and unconditional love in their home. This peaceful harmony is too often demolished by the reality of disagreements and rivalry that often occurs when people are living life together. This happens among both parents and kids.


     There was a time my husband and I had three boys in the home all under the age of 5. This made for some really funny moments, sweet memories and rambunctious disagreements (usually over who had the green car last and who gets it next, for how long and to do what with…). Playing referee to arguments took up so much of our time, attention, energy and quite honestly sucked the life out of our enjoyment of time together as a family. Where was the unity and support we wanted for our boys?


     Not only is it detrimental in our home but it ravishes the schools and workforce too. Learning to disagree respectfully, providing constructive feedback versus criticism and sharing thoughts/Ideas are all soft skills that need to be learned and practiced. In a world where people can anonymously comment on social media and other internet platforms using disrespectful remarks and rude comments, it is more important a skill than ever!


     I give to you “Fair Fighting Rules”! Fair fighting rules are often use in marriage therapy to outline expectations for inevitable conflict among spouses.


These rules usually include, but are not limited to:


  1. No degradation language

  2. Take turns talking

  3. No yelling

  4. Assume positive intentions

  5. No use of the word “divorce”


     I say, why limit it to just spouses? Create your own family list of Fair Fighting Rules. Come up with the rules together and come up with a creative way to display them in the home. Frame them and use them often. If you have young children you can create a visual display of the rules, including pictures.


A few things to keep in mind...

  • Accept input! If each person has a say in what the rules will be, each person will be more likely to follow them. So yes, include the kids. Ask them what feels good and bad when having disagreements.

  • Follow through is key! If there is no follow through, the plan will just fall by the wayside.

  • Keep is simple! Too many rules can be confusing and an outright bother to remember. Many lists are limited to 10, but feel free to make it less for you family.


     We are our greatest tool in teaching our children. The more focused and diligently we can teach and reinforce the lessons, the greater potential for success. As my husband would say, “Nothing changes, if nothing changes.”

Host a Vision Board Party


     Have you ever created a vision board? I never really had but had every intention of creating an amazing vision board for 2018! I bought a board and made sure I had glue, markers, scissors and everything! As the month of January slipped past me, virtually undetected, I knew I would need more than simply materials to complete my vision board. I needed some motivation.... I decided to have some friends over for a Vision Board party!


The first and arguably the most important thing to do is set it! Pick a  date and time and set it. I used a Facebook event and made a cute digital invite as well. (This makes it easy to text a follow up or even print it to mail or hand deliver!) Include all information (yes including what a vision board is....). I requested each person bring their own board as well as any printed ideas they might already have or find to add to their board. Since I did not have many magazines, I also requested each guest bring any extra magazines they did not mind cutting up or even share! I provided a quick lasagna meal and of coarse...wine!!! 

I set up very simply. one table for materials and one for working. You can clear space for use on the floor or anything! I really believe the more casual the better. The material table displayed glue, scissors, stickers, markers and other fun additions. I also had a few extra poster boards and just a few magazines (just in case anyone forgot or was unable to bring any) At the last minute, I decided to have a champagne toast similar to the new year toast (I went alcohol free sparkling apple cider so we could have wine instead throughout the party.)

After the toast. I distributed a sheet I had created including thoughtful questions to help us get in the open mindset. Music played in the background to add to the mood. Then I simply opened it up and invited everyone to get started in any order or way they felt moved. I feel the less direction the better creativity for each guest. When the night had ended we had some boards of mostly words and quotes as well as boards with mostly pictures. Each person had her own set up and organization for her board. It was amazing and sparked beautiful conversation!

This particular party was all women and we discovered some similar themes among us. You could open up a vision board party to family boards or individual boards. You could have men, women, children or even a blended open party! I planned on a two hour window but it ran over and we really enjoyed the conversation around the creation. In the future, I would set it for at least 3 hours. There was so much rich conversation to enjoy!

Sample questions included on my planning question sheet:

What would your perfect life feel like? Look like? Taste like? Smell like or sound like?

What have you always wanted to do or have but never started?

What do you wish you had more time for in your life?

What brings you joy?

What type of person do you want to be?

What motivates you?

Books I will read

Places I will go

Things I will do

A bad habit I will break

A new skill I will learn

A person I hope to be like

I am going to better at...


You could also include topics to brainstorm. Here are some examples...

Family    Social     Health/Fitness  Spiritual   Financial   Dreams   Mental    Professional  Hobby

Now get out there and host your own Vision Board Party!