What do you believe about life?
Female, 12
Life is just a world full of UPS AND DOWNS. Not everything is fair. Not everything is going to be perfect. Not everything is going to be our way. Mostly NOTHING is going to be the way YOU want it to be.
These Teens Today is a blog where I share real insights from teens from interviews I have done. They are, for the most part, unfiltered responses to simple open ended questions I ask in interview settings. This new blog is in a pilot period and intended to provide a safe place for teens to express themselves and provide some insight to parents, an other people who work with teens. Names will not be made available. Commenting will remain off for these blog posts. If you have any questions about this blog or ideas for other questions you would like to see added, please feel free to email fountain.coach@gmail.com.
What do you believe about life?
Female, 12
Life is just a world full of UPS AND DOWNS. Not everything is fair. Not everything is going to be perfect. Not everything is going to be our way. Mostly NOTHING is going to be the way YOU want it to be.
What do you believe about your country?
Female, 13
I believe we are slowly falling apart.
Female, 14
that we should make it a better place to be.
Female, 13
It’s dangerous in a way because of school shootings and concert shootings. Also that there is so much natural disasters happening and leaving people homeless and they need help it is sad.
Male 16
What do you believe about teens?
They really just need to suck it up! They are often drama queens but people are in competition for who has the worst life. Most of these kids have great lives and do not even realize it. Many people do not even have what these kids have. Everyone has their own different problems and deal it in different ways. They should all know that anything that improves your life is technology, not just computers.
Female, age 12
What do you wish adults knew?
Response- "I wish adults knew that you can't be the perfect child they intended you to be. Like "Oh you have to get A+'s all through your life or else...." when they don't understand how hard it is to be going to school, trying to earn good grades, maybe playing sports, doing homework most of the time, and having a social life with LOTS of Drama all at once puts a lot of pressure on us and our parents NEVER understand that, WE WILL NEVER BE PERFECT CHILDREN. "
Male, age 16
What do you believe about school?
Response- "It is important but things can be better. If Teachers made better wages, there might be more people who want to be teachers. More 1:1 time with students would be good too. If teacher made more money there would be more teachers and there would be more 1:1 time. I feel like some teachers do not want to be there because some students are brats and it doesn't seem like they are paid fairly for what they put up with. It is really more about what a student puts into school. The student's who complain most are often jerks anyway. Some teachers are bad though. Some really love it and work well with kids, then some think you should get it on the first try and they do not realize that things are not always black and white."
These Teens Today is a blog where I share real insights from teens from interviews I have done. They are, for the most part, unfiltered responses to simple open ended questions I ask in interview settings. This new blog is in a pilot period and intended to provide a safe place for teens to express themselves and provide some insight to parents, an other people who work with teens. Names will not be made available. Commenting will remain off for these blog posts. If you have any questions about this blog or ideas for other questions you would like to see added, please feel free to email fountain.coach@gmail.com.